Following the controversy surrounding the Tirumala laddu incident, AR Dairy, accused of supplying adulterated ghee, is facing increased scrutiny. The Madras High Court’s Madurai Bench has directed the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) to issue a new notice to AR Dairy, allowing the company additional time to respond to the allegations regarding the ghee supplied for the famous Tirupati laddus.
Justice N. Sathish Kumar issued the order after AR Dairy filed a petition, represented by G. Kannan, contesting the initial FSSAI notice for not allowing sufficient time for a response.
The case raises significant concerns about the quality of ghee used in the preparation of these iconic laddus, with the court underscoring the importance of fair procedures in such investigations. AR Dairy is now required to provide a detailed response to facilitate the ongoing inquiry. This matter is particularly pressing, as the Supreme Court has already initiated a CBI investigation into the issue.