Former Minister Kakani Govardhan Reddy has accused the Chandrababu Naidu-led coalition government of using the Kakinada Port issue as a diversionary tactic to cover up its ongoing failures. In a media interaction, Reddy claimed that Naidu was digging up old cases, including PDS rice smuggling, and shifting the focus to an alleged forcible takeover of the port. He noted that the port, developed under YSR’s leadership, was handed over to KV Rao during Naidu’s tenure.
Reddy also pointed to Naidu’s actions against the Aurobindo Group, which belongs to the Reddy community, suggesting that the false cases were part of a deliberate attempt to target the community. He expressed concern that such tactics could drive industrialists out of the state. Reddy criticized the government for failing to fulfill its election promises and for creating an environment that discouraged industrial growth in Andhra Pradesh.