Telangana Congress President Revanth Reddy has responded to the controversy surrounding the arrest of actor Allu Arjun in connection with the stampede incident at Hyderabad’s Sandhya Theatre. Speaking during an interview with India Today, Revanth emphasized the importance of the rule of law, stating, “Everyone is equal under the law, and no one is above it.”
Stampede Incident and Allu Arjun’s Role
The stampede, which occurred during the promotion of Allu Arjun’s film, led to the tragic death of a woman and injuries to several others. While the actor expressed his condolences and pledged support to the victim’s family, he was later booked under criminal charges, raising questions about accountability and fairness.
Revanth Reddy acknowledged the gravity of the incident but urged that the legal process should proceed impartially. “Accountability must be ensured, but we cannot rush to conclusions. The investigation should focus on facts rather than targeting individuals based on their celebrity status,” he said.
Political Allegations and Public Reaction
The arrest of Allu Arjun has sparked debates, with some alleging political motives behind the move. Revanth refrained from commenting on these speculations but stressed that justice should be unbiased. “Justice must be served, but it should be done without prejudice or political interference,” he remarked.
A Call for Responsible Event Management
Revanth also highlighted the need for better event management to prevent such incidents in the future. He called upon both authorities and organizers to ensure crowd safety during large gatherings, particularly involving high-profile individuals.
The incident has triggered widespread discussions about celebrity responsibility, public safety, and the role of law enforcement. Revanth’s comments reflect a balanced stance, advocating for justice while respecting the principles of equality and impartiality under the law.