Internal turmoil continues within the Telugu Desam Party (TDP) as senior leader and former minister Yanamala Ramakrishnudu openly revolts against party chief N. Chandrababu Naidu. This unexpected rebellion has stirred significant debate within party circles. What exactly led to Yanamala’s frustration? A closer look reveals some intriguing details.
One of the primary reasons for Yanamala’s anger seems to be the growing influence of Nara Lokesh within the party. In recent times, Lokesh’s decisions appear to hold more sway than even Chandrababu’s, according to political observers.
Expressing his discontent, Yanamala not only voiced his grievances but also communicated them in writing. He had reportedly requested a Rajya Sabha seat, but the lack of a positive response has deeply disappointed him. Additionally, Lokesh’s alleged interference in this matter further fueled Yanamala’s anger, sources suggest.
Another factor adding to the tension is the SEZ (Special Economic Zone) issue. Yanamala has raised questions about who groomed industrialists like K. Venkateswara Rao, who now controls assets worth thousands of crores. The differences between Yanamala and Chandrababu on such issues are reportedly widening the rift within the party.
These developments highlight growing dissatisfaction among senior leaders in the TDP, raising concerns about the party’s internal stability. How Chandrababu addresses Yanamala’s grievances and manages this crisis will be pivotal in shaping the party’s future.