Following a landslide victory in last year’s elections, Andhra Pradesh CM N. Chandrababu Naidu signed the mega DSC file as his first action, promising to fill 16,347 teacher posts by December 2024. However, with the deadline already lapsed, unemployed youth are expressing concerns over the delay in releasing the DSC notification.
TET Completed Two Months Ago:
- In July, the government announced the inclusion of new B.Ed. and D.Ed. graduates in the mega DSC.
- The Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) was scheduled for August but was eventually conducted in October.
- Despite TET results being declared two months ago, the DSC notification is yet to be released.
Rising Concerns Among Aspirants:
- The government recently directed the education department to provide updated vacancy details for teaching posts, further delaying the process.
- Aspirants allege that the government is intentionally postponing the notification, creating uncertainty for thousands of unemployed youth.
Criticism and Call for Action:
Unemployed youth and opposition leaders are criticizing the government for failing to meet its promises. They demand immediate action to release the DSC notification and address the concerns of job seekers across the state.