The projects that Prime Minister Narendra Modi is set to inaugurate in Visakhapatnam were all secured during the YSRCP government, asserted former minister and YSRCP Visakhapatnam district president, Gudivada Amarnath. Addressing the media, he strongly refuted the allegations made by TDP leaders, accusing them of misleading the public.
Key Highlights:
- Projects Secured Under YSRCP Governance:
- Railway Zone: Allocation of 52 acres of land to the railway department was finalized by the YSRCP government.
- Bulk Drug Park: Among 17 competing states, Andhra Pradesh emerged victorious under CM Jagan’s leadership.
- NTPC Green Hydrogen Hub: The agreement was finalized during Gudivada Amarnath’s tenure as the Industries Minister.
- Neglect During TDP’s Rule:
- TDP ignored the development of Uttarandhra (North Andhra), prioritizing other regions instead.
- Lokesh’s lack of awareness and baseless allegations highlight the leadership vacuum within TDP.
- YSRCP’s Development Milestones in North Andhra:
- Initiated Mulapeta Port construction, established medical colleges, and a kidney research center.
- Successfully acquired 2,002 acres of land for Bhogapuram Airport, completed fencing, and initiated rehabilitation projects.
- Attracted IT companies like Infosys and TCS, providing significant employment opportunities.
- Visakhapatnam Steel Plant Privatization:
- The YSRCP demands a categorical assurance from the Prime Minister against the privatization of Visakhapatnam Steel Plant.
- Challenge for Open Debate:
- Gudivada Amarnath invited TDP leaders for an open debate on the development of Uttarandhra, asserting YSRCP’s contributions to the region’s growth.
Gudivada Amarnath’s Statements:
“TDP’s attempt to claim credit for the projects secured by YSRCP is disgraceful. All these initiatives were achieved during our tenure. If Lokesh has the courage, let him refute these facts.”
“It’s disheartening to see TDP leaders, who neglected North Andhra for years, now making baseless accusations. The YSRCP government has been committed to the holistic development of the region, and we will continue to showcase our achievements to the people.”
Gudivada Amarnath firmly reiterated that YSRCP’s proactive efforts have driven Visakhapatnam’s development. He challenged TDP to substantiate their claims and focus on genuine contributions rather than indulging in baseless propaganda.
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