State Minister Kandula Durgesh personally inspected the arrangements for a private movie event, but the same government failed to make proper arrangements to provide Darshan tokens to the devotees of Lord Venkateswara.
Despite being aware that lakhs of devotees would gather for Vaikuntha Ekadashi, the government’s negligence in planning led to a tragic stampede at Vishnu Nivasam in Tirupati. This horrifying incident resulted in injuries to many devotees and the loss of several lives.
Meanwhile, the focused attention on a private movie event’s arrangements has sparked outrage and raised questions about the government’s priorities. Are personal interests being placed above public welfare?
This incident has reignited discussions about preserving the sanctity of Tirumala and ensuring proper safety measures for devotees. The severe mismanagement that led to the loss of innocent lives has drawn sharp criticism of the government’s competence and vision.
Analysts emphasize the urgent need for the government to reassess its priorities and immediately put an end to its negligence towards the welfare of devotees.
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