Deputy CM and Jana Sena chief Pawan Kalyan once again raised his voice over the Tirupati stampede incident. He demanded that TTD Chairman BR Naidu and other officials involved take responsibility and issue a public apology. Speaking at the inauguration of Gokulam Sheds in Kumarapuram, Kakinada district, Pawan expressed his deep anguish over the tragic event.
“Apologizing is not a disgrace”
Addressing the media, Pawan Kalyan stated, “The people trusted the NDA leadership and gave us this opportunity. It is our duty to respond whenever there is a mistake. I personally visited the victims of the Tirupati incident, expressed my condolences, and apologized. This is a collective responsibility that we must uphold.”
“Officials must take accountability”
Pawan Kalyan strongly demanded that TTD Chairman BR Naidu, EO Shyama Rao, and JEO Venkayya Chowdary should also apologize for the incident. He questioned, “Why should apologizing be seen as a disgrace? Recognize your accountability and face the people.”
“The incident impacted even our celebrations”
Sharing his feelings, Pawan Kalyan said, “We had planned grand Sankranti celebrations in Pithapuram, but considering the gravity of this incident, we toned them down. This was a heartbreaking tragedy for me personally, and we owe it to the people to act responsibly.”
Criticism of Officials’ Negligence
Pawan directly criticized the negligence of the authorities, remarking, “This tragedy occurred due to the carelessness of officials. It is time to hold those responsible accountable in front of the public.”