In a shocking incident, District Revenue Officer (DRO) Malola of Anantapur was caught playing online rummy during a critical meeting on Scheduled Caste (SC) categorization at the Collectorate Revenue Bhavan. The incident has sparked widespread criticism and raised serious questions about the commitment of government officials.
Neglect During a Key Meeting
The meeting, chaired by the Chairman of the SC Categorization Commission, Rajeev Ranjan Mishra, was convened to hear petitions from SC groups supporting or opposing the categorization. While representatives of several SC organizations were present to submit their appeals, DRO Malola appeared disengaged, immersed in playing an online game instead of attending to their concerns.
SC Organizations Left Disappointed
The SC groups, who attended the meeting with high hopes, expressed their disappointment over the lack of attention from officials. This behavior, they claim, undermines the seriousness of issues affecting marginalized communities.
Viral Outrage
Images and videos of DRO Malola playing online rummy during the meeting have gone viral on social media, leading to widespread condemnation. Many criticized the neglect of official duties and demanded immediate action against the officer.