A shocking incident has come to light in the Kodumur Mandal of Kurnool district, where a teacher at the Venkatagiri Primary School, identified as Lakshmanna, has been accused of sexually harassing girl students.
Villagers Take Action
Outraged by the allegations, local villagers locked Lakshmanna inside a classroom. They later handed him over to the police for further investigation.
Police Intervention
Upon receiving the information, the police rushed to the scene and took Lakshmanna into custody. Statements from the students are being recorded, and a thorough investigation is underway.
Ensuring Student Safety
Authorities have assured the public that stringent measures will be taken to ensure the safety and well-being of the students. Support systems are being provided to the victims.
A Wake-Up Call for Society
This incident raises serious concerns about the safety of students in schools. Educational institutions are meant to nurture and educate children, but incidents like these erode trust and highlight the need for stricter monitoring and accountability.
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