YSR Congress Party spokesperson Karumuru Venkat Reddy has criticized the Andhra Pradesh government for forgetting to celebrate the birth anniversary of Yogi Vemana, a revered poet and social reformer known for his moral teachings through his famous verses.
Government Issued GO for Official Celebrations
In December 2023, the YS Jagan Mohan Reddy-led government issued a Government Order (GO No. 164) to mark January 19th every year as the official state celebration of Yogi Vemana Jayanthi. Despite this, the lack of observance this year has drawn criticism from various quarters.
Yogi Vemana’s Contribution to Society
Known for his profound verses like “Vishwadabhirama Vinuravema,” Yogi Vemana’s writings have inspired generations by advocating ethical living, good conduct, and social reform. Venkat Reddy expressed his disappointment, stating that forgetting such an eminent figure is unfortunate.
Call for Immediate Action
He urged the government to take immediate steps to officially commemorate Yogi Vemana Jayanthi and organize grand celebrations to honor the legacy of the poet who brought significant social awareness through his works.