Andhra Pradesh Minister Gudivada Amarnath has lashed out at TDP Chief Chandrababu Naidu and his son Nara Lokesh, accusing them of using their Davos visit for publicity rather than attracting investments for the state.
Allegations on Davos Visit:
“Chandrababu and Lokesh returned empty-handed from their Davos visit. Instead of focusing on attracting investments, they turned it into a publicity stunt. The entire visit revolved around Lokesh’s glorification rather than any meaningful discussions about the state’s development,” said Gudivada Amarnath.
Concerns About Investments:
“Hundreds of crores were spent on their visit, but how many thousands of crores worth of investments have they brought back? Jindal Group, which was supposed to invest ₹3.5 lakh crore in Andhra Pradesh, has shifted its focus to other states due to harassment faced here. This shows the inefficiency and failures of the TDP government,” he alleged.
YSRCP’s Achievements Highlighted:
“Projects like the Bulk Drug Park and the Hydrogen Green Hub have been secured during the YSR Congress regime. These initiatives are milestones in the state’s development. On the other hand, not a single promise made during the TDP’s tenure was fulfilled,” Amarnath emphasized.
Jibes at Chandrababu:
“Chandrababu Naidu used the Davos visits not to attract investments but to boost his personal brand image. If anyone believes his stories, he might even claim that he studied alongside Bill Gates,” the minister remarked sarcastically.
Gudivada Amarnath’s remarks have sparked fresh debates over TDP leadership and its strategies during the Davos visits. Questions remain about investment commitments and development policies in the state.