Lady Superstar Nayanthara is set to dazzle audiences in the upcoming film Toxic, starring Rocking Star Yash and directed by Malayalam filmmaker Geetu Mohandas. Bollywood actor Akshay Oberoi recently confirmed her involvement in an interview.
“I am currently busy shooting for Rocking Star Yash’s film. Nayanthara is also a part of this project. While I can’t share more details at this stage, Geetu Mohandas will make an official announcement soon,” Akshay revealed.
Initially, rumors suggested Kareena Kapoor might feature in the film, but the team has not provided an official clarification. Toxic marks Yash’s 19th film, with the intriguing tagline, “A Fairy Tale for Grown-Ups.”
Expectations are sky-high, especially since this is Yash’s first major project following the blockbuster KGF series. On Yash’s birthday, the team released a special video featuring the film, which has garnered significant attention on YouTube.
The makers have officially announced that Toxic will hit theaters on April 10, 2025, promising another cinematic spectacle for fans.