Tension escalated at Narayana Junior College, Anantapur, as student unions staged a massive protest demanding the dismissal of Minister Narayana. The protest was triggered by the recent suicide of intermediate student Charan, who allegedly took the extreme step by jumping off the college building due to academic pressure.
Student Unions’ Outrage
Blaming Minister Narayana for the continuous student suicides in corporate colleges, student union leaders stormed towards the Narayana College premises, demanding immediate action against him.
Police Intervention Leads to Clashes
As protestors attempted to barge into the college, police intervened, leading to heated clashes. Students and police engaged in a scuffle as law enforcement tried to disperse the agitators.
Key Leaders Arrested
Prominent student leaders, including:
🔹 YSRCP Student Wing State Working President Ravi Chandra
🔹 AISF State President Valaraju
🔹 SFI State President Prasanna Kumar
were taken into custody during the protest.
The situation remains tense as student organizations continue to demand justice for Charan and strict action against Narayana College management.
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