Deputy Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, Pawan Kalyan, has been vocal in promoting the narrative of Sanatana Dharma, which has sparked reactions from various groups. His recent comments criticizing Tamil Nadu Deputy Chief Minister Udhayanidhi Stalin for his pledge to eradicate Sanatana Dharma have now led to a police case against him.
Vanchinathan, an advocate based in Madurai, filed a complaint at the Madurai City Commissioner’s office. In his complaint, he stated that Pawan Kalyan’s remarks about Udhayanidhi could incite communal riots. He also accused Kalyan of making statements against minority communities, potentially igniting social tensions between religions.
The advocate noted that minorities in Tamil Nadu are offended by Kalyan’s condemnation of Stalin’s stance on Sanatana Dharma. However, this situation reflects the complexities of the Indian political landscape, suggesting that such cases are often part of the broader political discourse.