The Tirumala Laddu issue has reached a new level today with the Supreme Court establishing a Special Investigation Team (SIT). This SIT will comprise two CBI officers, two members from the Andhra Pradesh state police, and one representative from the FSSAI. The investigation will be overseen by the CBI Director, ensuring a rigorous and error-free process.
This Supreme Court ruling could be viewed as a significant advantage for the Chandrababu-led government in Andhra Pradesh, and here’s why.
Previously, the Andhra Pradesh government set up its own SIT led by IG-ranking officer Sarvasreshta Tripathi, which had already begun its investigation. However, the YCP (Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party) raised concerns, claiming that Chandrababu would exert influence over the SIT’s findings, potentially skewing the outcome against Jagan’s government.
With the Supreme Court’s latest order, the investigation will now be conducted by central authorities, specifically the CBI, under the oversight of the CBI Director. This shift means that both the AP government and the Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams (TTD) will have to cooperate fully, ensuring that all relevant facts are presented to the SIT.
Previously, there was a risk that the YCP could shift blame onto Chandrababu during the state SIT investigation, arguing that any unfavorable findings were orchestrated by him. However, the involvement of an independent central agency diminishes that possibility. The findings of the CBI-led SIT will carry significant weight, and if the previous Jagan administration is found culpable in the laddu scandal, it could spell serious trouble for the YCP.
Thus, today’s Supreme Court judgment, appointing an independent SIT, positions the NDA (National Democratic Alliance) favorably, allowing them to present irrefutable evidence in this high-profile case.