TDP leader Budda Venkanna filed a complaint with NTR district police commissioner S.V. Rajashekara Babu against YSRCP MP Vijayasai Reddy for allegedly making derogatory remarks about TDP chief and former chief minister N. Chandrababu Naidu. Venkanna accused Vijayasai of crossing limits with his statements and demanded that he exercise restraint. “If you have even a shred of dignity, speak like a responsible human being,” Venkanna remarked.
Allegations Over Kakinada Port
Venkanna further raised questions about YSRCP’s alleged takeover of Kakinada Port, calling it a forced acquisition. “Isn’t it true that you illegally grabbed Kakinada Port? Who sells revenue-generating assets? Can you explain how you took it from K.V. Rao?” he demanded.
Atrocities Under YSRCP Rule
Venkanna alleged that from 2019 to 2024, YSRCP leaders were involved in numerous atrocities. He claimed that several victims are now coming forward to lodge complaints with the police and district collectors.
Warning to Vijayasai Reddy
Venkanna warned that any further derogatory remarks by Vijayasai would not go unpunished. “From now on, whatever Vijayasai says, he will have to pay the price for it,” he asserted.
Police Response
Police commissioner S.V. Rajashekara Babu confirmed that legal experts would be consulted to determine the necessary action.