A tragic incident unfolded in Tirumala as a three-year-old boy, Sathwik, lost his life after falling from the second floor of a guest house. The mishap has left the community in deep sorrow.
Incident Details:
Around 5 PM, Sathwik was playing with his elder brother when he accidentally fell from the second floor of the guest house. He suffered severe injuries and was immediately rushed to Ashwini Hospital. Despite efforts to save him, Sathwik succumbed to his injuries while undergoing treatment.
Family Background:
Sathwik was the second son of Srinivasulu and Krishnaveni, residents of Chinna Chowk in Kadapa town. The family is devastated by the loss of their young child.
Police Actions:
The police have registered a case regarding the incident and initiated an investigation to determine the circumstances leading to the boy’s tragic death.
This unfortunate event has cast a shadow of grief over Tirumala, reminding everyone of the importance of safety, especially for young children.
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